Recommendations for solid core speaker wiring?

At the suggestion of VAC, I am pursuing a solid copper core (multi-conductor if necessary)silver clad speaker cable. Non-bi wired for my Renaissance 30/30 to Edgarhorn Titans. Any suggestions that aren't over the top exotic price wise?

FYI: $1K and up would be "over the top" even though some may feel this setup is / isn't worthy of it. Used of course would be best. 6ft lengths approximately.

Thanks guys for any guidance
Anit cables "...are the easiest of all to use".
Now that is "sarcastic to the max".
If VAC told you: "solid copper core (multi-conductor if necessary)silver clad speaker cable"...

There are many producers of silver plated copper. I personally think Van den Hul makes some of the best silver plated copper (multi-conductor). I have personal experience with their Magnum Hybrid. I used this with VAC PA100/100 with good success. I have since moved on to 300B mono-blocks. I'd be willing to let go of a set or two of the Magnum Hybrid if interested.

The Anti Cable is solid core continuously cast oxygen free copper...not copper/silver
Devilboy, could you provide a link/lead to further info on the Crimson cables? Thanks.