Recommendations for solid core speaker wiring?

At the suggestion of VAC, I am pursuing a solid copper core (multi-conductor if necessary)silver clad speaker cable. Non-bi wired for my Renaissance 30/30 to Edgarhorn Titans. Any suggestions that aren't over the top exotic price wise?

FYI: $1K and up would be "over the top" even though some may feel this setup is / isn't worthy of it. Used of course would be best. 6ft lengths approximately.

Thanks guys for any guidance
If VAC told you: "solid copper core (multi-conductor if necessary)silver clad speaker cable"...

There are many producers of silver plated copper. I personally think Van den Hul makes some of the best silver plated copper (multi-conductor). I have personal experience with their Magnum Hybrid. I used this with VAC PA100/100 with good success. I have since moved on to 300B mono-blocks. I'd be willing to let go of a set or two of the Magnum Hybrid if interested.

The Anti Cable is solid core continuously cast oxygen free copper...not copper/silver
Devilboy, could you provide a link/lead to further info on the Crimson cables? Thanks.