Entry Level Cables


I'm currently in the process of upgrading my system a little bit at a time. Right now I'm using a Onkyo SR606 with some basic terrible speakers. I added the Onkyo for xmas and now I'm ready to upgrade my mains. I don't have much of a budget, so right now I've been looking at Paradigm's Titans or possibly a good deal on Paradigm's Reference Studio 20. Assuming I purchase the 20, what would be a good, entry level cable to run?

I've heard that I can't go wrong with Kimber's 8TCs, but they are just a bit beyond my currently target range of $100-$200 total to wire both speakers. Since I'm new, I most certainly don't want to make any terrible mistakes and skimp on the cabling and make my speakers essentially worthless. On the other hand, $400-$500 for cables is just too much for me right now.

Thanks for the input!
You guys have given such great information and recommendation. Thanks for all the input. I think, since I'm just starting to get into everything, I'm going to start off with something cheaper and then upgrade as I am able to. I'm only 24 and with a medium-range income, so it's a work in progress. But thanks again for all the input, you'll probably be hearing from me again :)
Welcome Smwatson! All I can suggest is do your research and you wont be dissapointed. One of the most invaluable sources of information available is Robert Harley's complete guide to hi-end audio. Good luck!
What about Supra Cables?? I have no experience with them but the price certainly seems right!
I've seen a lot of 8TC, in 7 to 10ft pairs, sell for under $200. IE: (http://cgi.ebay.com/KIMBER-CABLE-8TC-Speaker-Cables-Terminated-7-6-ft-pair_W0QQitemZ300296392435QQihZ020QQcategoryZ14966QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) Many on AudiogoN also, but the stuff goes fast, because it's so popular.