Let's hear about Elrods new Silver or Gold cables

Let's hear from the people who auditioned or bought Elrods new Silver or Gold cables and tell us what you think.I bought 7 Gold power cords and was totally blown away,anybody else?

The owners manual suggests 1000 hours for total break in. I have roughly 400+ and it has really begun to open up and sing. I am expecting additional improvements over the next 400-600 hours.

As I recall, my LA 150 mk II (mine was an upgrade from my LA 150 Mk I unit) took a good 600 hours to really open up and sing.

Give it some time and you will be handsomely rewarded. I have owned three versions of the LA 100, 2 versions of the LA 150 and now the LA 300 ME. Jud Barber's design, build quality and workmenship have been outstanding by my experience.

Thanks for your reply!

I have every intention of listening to the new the Elrod cables (Silver & Gold after reading your comments) will just need time to allocate funds for the purchase. Rome was not built in a day for sure. For now, the Signature 2 will have to suffice.


Thank you Jim, info much appreciated. I do not own the device, but am asking on behalf of a friend who has just acquired a unit. Guido
I know nothing about these power cords other than what I've read here. However, based upon my DIY experience building power cords. It would not surprise me if this series of cords has substantial shielding and dampening of the conductors. That would explain to me why some perceive an extraordinarily black background. In my own system, I have found very little use for shielded power cords. The only component that I found benefits from a shielded cord is my tube pre-amp. I'm only one individual, so take my comments with a gain of salt.
"...what the elrod gold power cable does or does not do, per the sound of a stereo system"


This is always a problem for me to use words to describe specific aural experience, If we are talking about low to mid fi then words like "richer", "more slam" "soundstage became wider and deeper" can be used and its could be all true observations but really its NOT what - at least me - wish to experience. Yes, I will hear bass becaming richer or whatever but by itself I don;t care - its not what I am "afer"

On the level of highest fidelity to acoustic music - I like to "measure" component by its gestalt effect. Very few components like Gold level cables of David Elrod "grab" me and do not let me stop listening. I start next morning with the one thouht - in a few hours I will be do done with all these boring stuff I can go back to my addiction... and life will start again.
If addiction is a proper word to describe my hobby then what I mean is the potency of this drug.
I am not sure if I was clear but it is not the HEARING bass depth but FEELING something magical and feeling it for hours, days, weeks and even months. Then, of course it saturated and I need another drug... In this specific example, with cables we have a number of compenents in our system and each needs and power cord and interconnects or speaker cables - so I can add and add.

Every time I add David cable am afraid that it will have "diminished effect" or compilation of so many cables will create some very specific sonic signature (nice or ugly - it does not matter - both are colorations) but so far I was spared and on the contrary...I live again.

Thank you