Let's hear about Elrods new Silver or Gold cables

Let's hear from the people who auditioned or bought Elrods new Silver or Gold cables and tell us what you think.I bought 7 Gold power cords and was totally blown away,anybody else?
My Gold Statement Interconnect is three weeks old. Everything is opening, bass became tighter and most important, my system sounds now like I have the highest quality vinyl source, and its very new and highly pleasant experience with David Elrod cables for me.

I ordered from Elrod Power System another Hold Satement Power Cord for Preamplifier......

My 3d Gold Statement PC has a few hundred hours on it and I think its broken-in well enough. I use it with my tube preamp. With each power cord the positive effects are increased and in larger and larger degree. I listen sometimes records which I did not listen a couple of months ago and changes are VERY profound.

Most important to my ears - the liquidity, finesse - what we call "analog-like" sound. Secondly, the timbral richness across the spectrum and I cannot detect any artificiality or euphemism here and finally, that I noted from very beginning - ultra transparency .

I never ever expected so much improvement.

Thank you David!
"liquidity, finesse.....ultra transparency"
That describes my experience with the Gold PCs as well.
Hi,I tried a Gold Statement Interconnect on my Walker Black Diamond.What power and Dynamics and a midrange to die for,what a cable.Will add as I listen further.

I also added these comments in the product review section for Elrod Gold Statement pc.

It has been a bit over a month since I added 3 Elrod Gold Statement power cords to my system. Two were used on my BAT REX control and power units, the third on my BAT cd player. This is in addition to my Elrod Silver Statement pc on my Spectron amp and Elrod Silver Signature speaker cables on my Gallo 3.1 speakers.

Though I could initially hear improvements in assorted areas it was not until about a week ago that the Gold Statements really “clicked” in. I am now hearing music like I have never heard it before. My jaw is still dragging on the ground. I can hardly wait to get off work each day so that I can go home and listen to music.

It is difficult to add to what others have said about these cables. Repeating what has already been said starts sounding like a broken record. But the one thing that I would like to note and have found really fascinating is how I can now play music at much lower volumes and am actually hearing more musical detail.

I don’t have the slightest idea how David Elrod’s cables work but I can tell you that each cable I have added to my system has improved the sound beyond imagination. Each cable is hand-made by David himself, no manufacturing line building cables to some spec.

I would highly recommend trying just one of Mr. Elrod’s cables in your system. You will hear dramatic improvements with just one Elrod cord. These cables can be used with whatever component you may own at any time in your life so I believe the cables are a lifetime investment in improved hi-fi playback.