Let's hear about Elrods new Silver or Gold cables

Let's hear from the people who auditioned or bought Elrods new Silver or Gold cables and tell us what you think.I bought 7 Gold power cords and was totally blown away,anybody else?
I did an extensive comparison between the phenomenal Elrod Statement Gold PCs and the old Statement PCs. For those of you interested in this comparison, I posted a lengthy report on a new Audiogon thread here.
My Gold Statement Interconnect is three weeks old. Everything is opening, bass became tighter and most important, my system sounds now like I have the highest quality vinyl source, and its very new and highly pleasant experience with David Elrod cables for me.

I ordered from Elrod Power System another Hold Satement Power Cord for Preamplifier......

My 3d Gold Statement PC has a few hundred hours on it and I think its broken-in well enough. I use it with my tube preamp. With each power cord the positive effects are increased and in larger and larger degree. I listen sometimes records which I did not listen a couple of months ago and changes are VERY profound.

Most important to my ears - the liquidity, finesse - what we call "analog-like" sound. Secondly, the timbral richness across the spectrum and I cannot detect any artificiality or euphemism here and finally, that I noted from very beginning - ultra transparency .

I never ever expected so much improvement.

Thank you David!
"liquidity, finesse.....ultra transparency"
That describes my experience with the Gold PCs as well.
Hi,I tried a Gold Statement Interconnect on my Walker Black Diamond.What power and Dynamics and a midrange to die for,what a cable.Will add as I listen further.
