NOS Western Electric wire used for power cables??

I see that some people are starting to use this wire for speaker cables and ac power cables. Is anyone here using this wire? How does it compare to the cables on the market today? THANK YOU
I asked a guy I know regarding the WE wire and he told me the following:

"Cnly gets hot when you have undersized it..westerns power cable has always been rubber under the cloth and not silk, from 14 gauge and up"

No sure if theis makes anyone feel better.
Well, at least the issues have been discussed.Feel free to do whatever you think best. We all can make better informed decisions here. Pro or con, doesn't matter, word is out.
Thanks, And look at all the free advertising!
Lizzie, you've certainly done your share with the Pangea line. (o:

"And look at all the free advertising!"
LOL.. you gotta understand.. i have a crush on Pangea Dude. "Love at first (and only) sight" Besides the cheap but decent wires. (it's that bow tie, sigh.)
I have been a user of Ben's power cords for some time now. I am a distributor and the customers I have sold these cords to have replaced $7000 power cords from the likes of Argento and Verastarr, among others. EVERY person I have sold a power cord to has replaced the cords in their entire system with the Mojo Audio cords. That should say something in testament both to the build quality of these cords and to the performance.

Ben doesn't reinvent the wheel with his power cords. Like everything audio, the simpler the design, the better it sounds. Just because he is using a vintage wire does not make it out dated. Let's face it, Western Electric INVENTED all of the math and terminology involved in audio. All of that math is still involved today. They knew what they were doing when they designed this wire.

Given that the wire is still around after 50 years and there aren't reports of fire, I have NO idea what you guys are worried about. One would think that a wire, designed specifically for power, would have some kind of warning along with it after 50 years of use around the world.

Arguments will fly forever about anything. But ultimately the proof is in the listening. If these cables weren't what we say they were then Mojo Audio wouldn't be building the reputation that it is building.

I work in film and on a set I have burned out an extension cord. It got hot and cooked itself, but it did not catch fire. It was a 100' cable and was drawing FAR more current than any piece of audio equipment will ever be able to draw. As Ben stated, a cable will cook itself if it's not rated high enough for the amount of current being drawn through it. These power cables will never face that issue.