How can I improve my electric power situation.

My current set up is:
Krell KAV 300i
Krell 250 cd/2
Ayre QB-9
MD 100 tuner
Shunyata Research Hydra-6
My problem is that my system is too far (25 ft.) from an electric outlet. I am using two long extensions (hardware store) to supply elec. to my components. I live in an apt. and can't do any rewiring. Can I improve this situation?
The Soloist outlet requires a doublewide one used for 4 outlets, so once installed you may have to LEAVE it? Maybe uninstall leave the box, put a pair of regular outlets back and take the Soloist with you.

Any way to borrow / 30 day test of another conditioner? My amps have almost never liked them but the low level stuff....CD player and preamp have seemed to benefit. Even if you have to temporarily run a 2nd cord, try the amp as straight into the wall as possible while the remainder goes to whatever conditioner you have under test.

From the FWIW department...I use Panamax. The one I have is an older 5510 which includes a 400va isolation transformer. All lo level electronics goes to this. The TV to another conditioner outlet, without iso and the amp and sub thru their OWN circuit and the Soloist. This thing set me back a grand about 8 or 10 years ago.

Does the stereo sound better at any special time of day? Like late when people start turning stuff off? Or real early Sunday morning while having some quiet time or at Church? That would tell me you need cleaner power.
Late at night and early a.m. Is best. But this is when it's very quiet, no traffic, or drunk neighbors. Sometimes, I feel disconnected from the music and feel like I can take it or leave it. May or may not be power related. I actually think it's the amp, but I do want to get the electric side of the equation in order. Signal cable power cord. My hardware store has those?
One thing I have been doing,which I just read about here I think,is to clean my power sockets at the wall with Caig's Deoxit.I took the plug sockets out and cleaned the connections,the wire ends as well.They were oxidised and I heard a noticeable improvement.