How can I improve my electric power situation.

My current set up is:
Krell KAV 300i
Krell 250 cd/2
Ayre QB-9
MD 100 tuner
Shunyata Research Hydra-6
My problem is that my system is too far (25 ft.) from an electric outlet. I am using two long extensions (hardware store) to supply elec. to my components. I live in an apt. and can't do any rewiring. Can I improve this situation?
Late at night and early a.m. Is best. But this is when it's very quiet, no traffic, or drunk neighbors. Sometimes, I feel disconnected from the music and feel like I can take it or leave it. May or may not be power related. I actually think it's the amp, but I do want to get the electric side of the equation in order. Signal cable power cord. My hardware store has those?
One thing I have been doing,which I just read about here I think,is to clean my power sockets at the wall with Caig's Deoxit.I took the plug sockets out and cleaned the connections,the wire ends as well.They were oxidised and I heard a noticeable improvement.
Very simple with outstanding results. Hire an electrician and have them install a dedicated, isolated ground 20 amp outlet running 10 aug wire, just make sure the outlet is at least Hospital quality, the outlets are usually red, you will be amazed!!