Alpha-Core Goertz speaker cables

My curiosity is tickled by these speaker cables and the idea that low cable inductance is the desired electrical characteristic for speaker cables, after low resistance. I find no discussion of this in the past topics and few systems show these speaker cables. What are your thoughts on this type of cable and its advantages and disadvantages? Any current users of the M1 or M2? I am currently using Wyred 4 Sound Sx-500 monos with short anti-cables and Von Schweikert VR-4JRs. Thanks in advance.
Gkp, if it were a solid state amp, with 8 feet of cable being required, I would definitely recommend against using a pair of biwired MI3's (without a Zobel, at least). I couldn't find detailed specs on the Debut Mk1 (particularly bandwidth and how much feedback position 6 corresponds to), but FWIW my instinct is that since it is tube-based you would probably be ok, but nevertheless the risk isn't worth it.

I suspect that the chances of oscillation and/or damage occurring would be small, but even so putting 24,000 pf of capacitance across each of the amplifier outputs doesn't figure to be helpful sonically.
At this point I will probably pass on the extra set of cables and just get better jumpers.
Sounds like a plan!

-- Al
You might want to read a review of the AG 2s I did back in 2005 for ultraaudio, a webzine.

I owned, simultaneously, the Alpha Core and the Valhalla (both interconnect and speaker cables) and found them nearly (not completely) indistinguishable.

Interestingly enough, back around 1998 or maybe a bit later, TAS also had a review of the Divinity line, and found them superior to the Nordost. Roman Zacjew wrote the review. HP later commented on them, and was surprised to hear that they were nearly indistinguishable - but later on, he used a turntable and found the differences more pronounced.
I should point out the Nordost of that time was the SPMs. And, just to see if I could remember which issue it was (and I could), it was issue 113.
Aside from that, I also had for review, the copper wire, which I found to be quite, quite good. As I was using Nola Elite speakers, which needed bi-wiring, this came in handy.