Hidiamond Cables, Do these reveal the live show?

Just wondering if the people that own any of these simply amazing HiDiamond cables can explain the characteristics and why/how they seem to create the live experience like no other cable has. THX in advance for sharing your thoughts....
You stated "that cabling can only allow what your equipment is capable of to come through." Of course, you're absolutely correct. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

You stated, "And has the most thorough and complete soundstage I have heard from my system." This is what I find stunning in my system now that the HiDiamonds are in place, the continuity within the sound stage.

I checked the HiDiamond website in Italy. They actually make their own cables at their Italian factory and they process the copper to a level of purity where no other cable company can compare. HiDiamond is a very well-researched and sophisticated product. The results that so many of us are hearing are no accident.
I don't know how HD cables create a live event but it must be 100% pure copper, graphite and manufacturing techniques.

These cables just gets out of the way with no boost or highlights in the crucial midrange. This results in a sound that is open, full with outstanding soundstaging, extending beyond the boundaries of the speakers.

It's without question that HD cables are flat out musical...

Owners and reviewers of the KCI Silkwood plus cables are equally impressed and enthusiastic - at almost half the price the KCIs sound very attractive - anybody compared Hd and KCI ?
I would like to add, since I have a complete loom of HD Cables (except for the Speaker cables) I believe the overall volume has increased.
That is, the settings on my Pass Labs Preamp are now lower than I used to use before the HD cables. I'm attributing this to the cleaner signal being transmitted.

Has anyone else noticed that the volume level has increased once the HD cables have been added?