HiDiamond Power cords...

Has anyone tried the Power 3,2,1 power cords from HiDiamond. If so can you explain in best detail the qualities, strengths and which component you chose it on. I'm also curious which cords they compare to within the market.

Regards Bacardi

It is in the works. I wanted to take photos for the add. I posted here first as THIS is were there IS an interest already.

Also they ARE for sale.

And will also be posted on FREE forums besides PAID sites. Audiogon is not the end all it once was. It wounded itself and has still to recover.
In the recent months I had so many offers on listings that turned into vapor and that is not counting all the ridiculous low offers.

So unless you have any interest in the PURCHASE of the cables...

Thank you very much.
Well I now have 3 of the P4 power cords.And I have lost count on the P3's. I did notice that the P3 is very good on my Oppo Blue ray player. The video looks better but the sound quality had definatly improved. I was using a TG power cord on it before.

I have one P4 on my CD/Dac, one on my BSG Qol and still undecided if the P4 sounds better on my Pass Labs Preamp or my Pass Labs Amp.
I'll wait until the powercord is fully broken before I decide. I hope I won't have to buy one more...
Drove up to the Montreal audio show hoping to see and hear these cables but they were nowhere to be seen or heard.
Disappointing as it was, I ended up buying a couple of Nordost power cords instead. Someone might want to let them know that they missed a great show and a good opportunity to get exposure for their cables .