Best single-malt Scotch...

I have to give credit to Redwiki for the inspiration to start this thread. Yes, certain malts better compliment certain music or certain moods. Of the fifteen or so different malts in my cabinet right now, my favorites are: Aberlour "Antique", similar to the popular Macallan, but not as syrupy; a bit drier, light hearted and less complicated; great with Mozart and Brubeck. Mortlach "Limited Edition" cask strength. Powerful, smoky, mysterious. Great with Bartok, Berg and late 'Trane. Loch Morar 25 yr old. Incredibly complex and intense, with a hint of honey and flowers. Great with Poulenc, Stravinsky and Bill Evans. Any other single-malt aficionados out there?
I have both Michael Jackson and Jim Murray's books. I have heard excellent things abou the Society in Edinburgh and there is also a Whisky Society spot in London.
Two things, good whisky in a good cask will usually age well for a long time while mediocre whisky in a mediocre cask will have mediocre to terrible results.

Either way, at some point in time the whisky will leach out too many tannins and other nasties from the oak and can ruin even an excellent whisky. Still 40-50-60 year old and older whiskys exist that remain more than drinkable but I believe these are exceptions rather than the rule. Most would be over the hill at some point before those kind of ages.

One of the skills of the distillery is to decide when the whisky is "ready".

Somewhere I read an article whose argument contended that cask management contributes 70% to the final quality of a whisky. I don't know enough on the subject to argue or agree but it is obviously critical to the end product.
If you are going to Scotland, the best distillery tour, not necessarily best whisky, is at Aberlour.

A word of warning to drivers, it ends with 6 small whisky samples, including 2 cask strength. I went 2 years ago and had to walk about breathing in lungfuls of fresh air for 2 hours, before I felt it was safe to drive.
Got my bottle of *PC10! It's been a tough search, only 6000 bottles worldwide. I've heard there's some on a boat making its way to our shores though. Nice'n'peaty, 40ppm phenols.
Has anyone here tasted Octomore around 160ppm also from the Laddie?

*Port Charlotte 10 YO cask strength from Bruichladdich.