Cable Elevators

Just curious if anyone is using cable elevators and what changes they brought about. I have read there are benefits to having cables raised off the carpet.
I agree with "deturk".
I hope we can all agree that "bruised electrons" is a real problem. It usualy happends during and after long houres of listening to music.
I found out that 10min. brake every hour and a small hand adj. does the trick.
My cables were suffering from ED (Electron Dysfunction).

A friend of mine with a doctoral degree (an EHD in Bruiseology) recommended cable lifters to ensure strong, vibrant, and long lasting electron flow.

No ohm should be without them.
I bought 4 nice, soft, chunky erasers for $4.00 at a craft store to elevate my cables. They eliminated the vibrations I could feel with my hand on the cables. In any case, problem solved for basically no cost or worry.

I have no scientific verification for my experience... what I take exception to is self proclaimed experts who have never used the item in question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have used them, does that give my opinion more validity that some AS# who hasn't? I apologize for piling on pbb, but even his own neighbor hates him for being such a pompous a55!



In small amounds "Hirudoid" will help remove bruises.
I have used it for a year and it really works.
Those who know me, can tell you that I speak from exp.