MOG to shut down, replaced by Beats Music

MOG is being replaced by Beats Music. It seems the cost is going from $5 per month to $10 per month. The MOG shut down is in April.

Does anyone have more info on Beats Music? Will the features of MOG be on the Beats Music web site?
i continue to have mixed feelings about beats. perhaps i'm being reactionary, but i don't and probably won't like it as much as mog, which is/was simpler and meatier. beats ui continues to confound--there's too much stimulus and too much effort to get to the actual music you want to play. the curated playlists have some appeal--it's occasionally nice to let the site do the selecting for you--but in its effort to be all things to all people the lists err on the side of over-inclusiveness; beats doesn't have an equivalent to mog radio, which locked you much more tightly into the precise sound you're craving. beats' sq is equivalent to mog, altho it's still buggy as hell (they seem to be beta testing), eons better than pandora or slacker. spotify still looms as a viable option. a quandry within a conundrum.
As I noted above, I canceled MOG and started to use iTune for album selection.

The iTune options are Internet where you can select streaming from different music types (classical, jazz, blues, country, etc) and it lists the station and bit rate.

The other option is to build your own radio station by clicking the + button. For example, try listing to "Michael Hedges" or "David Grisman" or "Enya". These are just examples. You can enter your own artist and build a custom station around your selection.

I am still leaning but I like the build my own station option the best. I still like Pandora and Calm Radio. iTunes is free and I believe their bit-rate is 256k but I am not sure. As several people have noted above, I also liked using MOG and am sorry this format is going away.

I am surprised that Loomisjohnson noted above that Beats Music site is buggy and its UI is hard to use. Does anyone have any additional comments on using Beats Music?
As I said above. If I can't get Beats to my home system without attaching a computer, then it's not going to be for me. I've been playing around with Spotify on the desktop, checking the selection, etc. The sound quality seems ok (as best as I can tell with Audio Engine A2 speakers) but there are a few albums that are missing where I found them on Mog. However, what is more distressing to me is the penchant for some songs within an album to be grayed-out and inaccessible. This doesn't make sense to me. I can understand a whole album being missing due to digital rights issues but one or two songs?
I don't like anything beats related, but supposedly they are keeping pretty much the same features with some extras. I'll give it a shot.