MOG to shut down, replaced by Beats Music

MOG is being replaced by Beats Music. It seems the cost is going from $5 per month to $10 per month. The MOG shut down is in April.

Does anyone have more info on Beats Music? Will the features of MOG be on the Beats Music web site?
As I said above. If I can't get Beats to my home system without attaching a computer, then it's not going to be for me. I've been playing around with Spotify on the desktop, checking the selection, etc. The sound quality seems ok (as best as I can tell with Audio Engine A2 speakers) but there are a few albums that are missing where I found them on Mog. However, what is more distressing to me is the penchant for some songs within an album to be grayed-out and inaccessible. This doesn't make sense to me. I can understand a whole album being missing due to digital rights issues but one or two songs?
I don't like anything beats related, but supposedly they are keeping pretty much the same features with some extras. I'll give it a shot.
Now that MOG is officially shutdown, what is everyone using? I'm on the Rhapsody trial, but can tell audio quality is not as good as MOG.
i'm using spotify, having tried beats already. spotify has the library, and the sq is comparable to mog (some say better because they use ogg instead of mp3), though i find the interface less intuitive and more confusing--it's harder to simply set up and/or scroll through a play queue, though still better than beats. they also seem to provide less artist/album info than mog. time will tell.