Adcom, B&K, or Rotel?????????

I need to buy a new amp and have been think about one of the following Adcom 555/5500 or 545 100-200watts b&k 442/202 150-200watts rotel rmb 100(these are mosfet 125 watt amps from mid 1990s) I know the b&k very well and like its sound (I love good tubes but can't afford them plus it needs to work it home theater) So if anyone out there has heard the others please let me know how they sound....... email or post thanks,
I own a couple of BK amps. I have had one problem with each of them (they are a few years old each). However, BK was great with the repairs and sent them back better than new. They sound great (for the money). I also had a Rotel amp some years ago. It was fine, also.
I owned Adcom amps for many years, and don't agree with most of the comments offered here. However, I recently upgraded my 2 amps with a Bryston 4B-ST and a Bryston 5B-ST. In 2 words: HUGE DIFFERENCE. You can get a good buy on Bryston amps from "Bestofdeal", which advertises in Stereopiles mag. Contact Danny Oovlin at this Web address: Another amp you might want to consider is the new line built by Richard Marsh - his Marsh Electronics amps. Tony Cordesman just gave a glowing review in TAS of the Marsh A400 (200 wpc) - said it was the finest $2000 amp he's ever heard, and as good as many costing up to $20K. Marsh also has several smaller amps, as well as preamps. I haven't heard the Marsh line yet, but I do respect Tony Cordesman's reviews.
I have had a ST140 for 8 years, it still sounds great and i hve had no difficulties with it. I did AB adcom and rotel with it before I purchased it. It is definitely more musical. Good luck.
A long time ago I had a Rotel amp and upgraded to a McCormack DNA 0.5...What a HUGE difference, everything was better. My 0.5 is scheduled for a SMC Rev A in October. Spend the extra money now and you can always have an upgrade done sometime in the future. There really is know comparision to the B&K, Rotel or Adcom. Plus Steve McCormack is a great guy and always willing to provide advice.
hey guys thanks for you input I need to be "inexpensive" on this purchase (used under $500) as I still need speakers. currently I'm running a lexicon dc1 (I know not the Audio research pre that I want but a whole system on a budget is hard), I agree with you about the mccormick amps they kick but on everything under 2grand. I think I'll go with my gut instinct and go with the b&k as the mosfets are more musical