Best speakers for 2A3 SET amplifier?

What is the best speaker for a 3.5 watt/channel amplifier?
Trelja, As additional info for you, Kochel has two models, the larger 3-way K300 and the newer, smaller (36-12-15) 2-way K200 ($3k). Weblink for K200 & K300 information: Weblink for K200 review:
Thanks Tmhaudio. Sorry, I did visit Kochel before. But, in going there just now, I realize it was NOT the horn company I was thinking of. Still, I am know Kochel are top drawer in anyone's eyes(or ears). By the way, Edgarhorn makes a $1800 horn, but it is not the best(just checked Dick Olsher's site). Their better horns are well regarded by people like Harvey Rosenberg(think I'll check into his site now that we are into this 2A3 dialog). Now, that I think about it, there was another loudspeaker manufacturer I visited that looked VERY interesting. They make dynamic loudspeakers aimed at this market, and no one has ever heard of them(name has something nature or out west related - sort of like Montana loudspeaker, but we KNOW that they are not the company). I will try to get the name for everyone. Just give me a little time. I think we should all be proud of this thread. Great information, discussion, exchange of ideas, without the vitriol, personal attacks, ego, etc. that poisons many of the threads these days.
here's an set-tube-amp www that gives links for speakers they say work well w/'em: also, i've heard interesting things about hedlund horns, built w/lowther drivers: regards, doug
Wihtout knowing the size of your room, the type of music to which you listen, and how loud you ultimately want to go, it's rather hard to make appropriate suggestions. However, the received wisdom that you NEED, e.g., "at least 97 dB" or a "a horn over 100 dB sensitivity" is not true in all, and I would say most, cases. Many speakers that, on specs alone, would seem not to work well theoretically do in fact produce supremely wonderful sound in a reasonably-sized (say, up to a 10' x 20') room. In this category of smallish and easily affordable speakers would be the lower priced ProAcs and Audio Notes, Dick Sequerra's Metronome II and III, j.c. morrison's wonderful Pipedreams (before that name was filched by another company), Tannoys, and some of the simpler Zalytron designs. If you're handy with a saw, you might also consider a TQWT design -- you can build a pair of outrageously wonderful speakers, including single driver units with amazing coherence, for what is essentially dinner money! There's simply no need to spend 10K+ for a monstrous pair of horn-loaded speakers; I'd say you should consider trying a lot of alternatives first. Have fun coming up with your own "Best of Show" speaker!