What is your take on Mapleshade products

I've talked to the designer before and he seems to know what he is talking about. My only concern is he says they have compared their products to products costing 10 times as much and there products win out everytime. That sounds more like a sales pitch.

Am I missing something here as this thread is about MS stuff or is in not?
TL is MS? Maybe they are working together now?
I know you are largely talking about Mapleshade's non-CD items... but the Mapleshade CDs, while recorded well(generally well) are of third-rate music mostly and thus the Mapleshade CDs typify the audiophile problem... nice sounding... but music not worth listening to. Most audiophiles have a CD from mapleshade (or two)... and never play them.
Just wanted to chime in on trying my very old Mapleshade powerstrip. My amp is already straight into the wall so all I had to do was A/B my CDP into the Brick Wall surge protector and then into the Mapleshade powerstrip. After a dozen times it was clear to these ears that the Mapleshade PS was like going straight into the wall. Using the Brick Wall surge protector added more than a hint of smoke or fuzz, enough to obscure some detail which added a false sense of body or heft. That, and with the clearing up of details a bit there is a touch more microdynamics present with more air and extension. I guess that's to be expected but it's nice to hear it now.

Just goes to show that even a surge protector can dirty up the sound somewhat at the cost of protection, no matter what they claim. I guess I'm better off getting a longer power cord but for now I'm a bit impressed at what that strange looking power strip can do for keeping things cleaner sounding.

All the best,
Good value line as high end goes. No shortage of marketing and/or confidence or opinion in their products from Pierre. He's a good out of the box thinker. My only compliant would be he can be quick to jump to conclusions where his products are involved. Chalk that up to marketing/salesmanship. Well thought out products mostly nonetheless that I would consider if needed. Mapleshade recordings are a real sonic treat on a good system! The sound in the Mapleshade room at Capital Audio Fest last summer was below average though nonetheless. Tweaks can only get you so far.....