Tubed pre-amp for solid state amp?

I heard that the cheapest alternative, to ALL tubed components, is tube pre, and ss amp?! Need recommendation for tubed Pre-amp, to match with the amp with the input of 10Kohm (Linn LK-100)The amp is little on the "dry" side, so i am "yearning" harmonic richness. Around 6-$800 Thanks!
Hi Ssing; If you really want to stay within your $600-800. budget, the Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 with a a mullard tube is rich and warm, and is available used in your price range. The stock Sovtek tube makes this pre-amp much more neutral. Tube rolling is easy and inexpensive because it only has one tube. I happily used this pre-amp with a solid state McCormack amp for several years. Good Luck. Craig.
Ssing: I've usually used a tube front end and a SS amp combo for years. I trade my equipment off once a year or so (like most of us I suppose)and I'm turning over my AR LS-3 and replacing with my 5th Conrad Johnson tube preamp. The LS is incredibly fast and transparent and one of the most neutural ss preamps I've ever had and like it a lot. But the CJs' seem to breathe life into my system like no other tube preamp I've heard under $2000, and believe me, I've had many. I typically use a class "A" ss power amp because they just seem to get the phase and harmonics right while retaining a lot of air and 3-D space. While I can certainly get this with a tube amp, it has been my experience that while I get a nice richness in the bass, I can't get the control, bottom end punch or ultra low frequencies I require without re-mortgaging my house to buy a new high powered tube amp, or paying $500(or more)to retube a used one. Don't forget about interconnects too. As I'm sure your're aware, a great cable can really open up a system, just as a lousy one can turn great components from Hi-fidelity to walkie-talkie. Morbius
I have to thank all of YOU, for the advice! I will currently audition the used CJ pv-10, that i "borrowed" from my local dealer, just for about one week. I don't know if i will be able to come to definite conclusion but...? Also, the interconnect that he gave me is MIT Ythe Link 100! Thanks Again! Satwanth
I have used a CJ PV11 for years with a Krell KSA100 MK2. Iknow 3 other people that use this combo although with a PV10A and a PV9A all systems are awesome. great combo.