Aleph-3 Questions

I just recieved my dream amp.So far so good.It has under 50 hours on it.I was wondering if these have a recommended break in time?It sounds very good but honestly I was expecting better.Also has anyone found any tweaks that improve the performance? Cones etc.Thanks!
I used to have the Aleph 3. I purchased mine used, so it was fully broken in when I got it. I'd recommend at least 200 hours of break-in with most equipment before doing any critical listening. Stereophile's Test CD 3 has a burn-in track (there are others available) that you can play continuously while you're at work to help break in the amp.
hi david, not having directly heard this amp, i can't offer any direct experience, but i *do* have a couple comments - how efficient are your speakers? i know that the aleph 3 is supposed to be more powerful than its watts, but it is still only 25wpc. also, what's its input impedance? ewe have a rogue 99 preamp, right? my experience w/that preamp was not as positive as i'd hoped, partly, i think, due to an impedance mismatch - if the aleph's input impedence is 25k-ohms or less, that mite be affecting the dynamics. doug
I purchased my Aleph 3 as a demo with very few hours on it. I was initially disappointed that it did not sound as good--a little raw--as the used ones I had heard. Once broken in, I have no complaints. Be patient; I think you will be very pleased. FYI, I use mine as mid/tweeter only in a bi-amped system but I don't think that makes any difference, other than the Aleph is probably a better treble than bass amplifier. The 3 has only 20 db gain and an input impedance of only 23Kohms; mismatches could detract from its performance. Cheers,
I heard the volksamp version of the aleph 30. It's one of the very best solid state amps I have heard. I recall that when we ran it straight out of the wadia 30, the sound was some of the best I had heard. When we ran it through an Audio Research 12, the sound took on significant degredation. A preamp mismatch may be what you are experiencing. I have read that you need an active preamp with lots of gain to drive the aleph 30. That may be similar to what you are experiencing. Also, I have read that the alephs sound like an ordinary ss amp until they have been on for a whole hour.