Best Solid State Amp For 10k Or Less

I'm auctioning off my Aragons to put towards the purchase of 'my last amp'. Wondering what people think. I have a Krell HTS as a preamp and Dynaudio 3.3's as mains. All I'm concerned with at this time is two channel sound...home theater can take a back seat for a while. My 'short' list is made up of Mark Levinson 335 or 336,Krell FPB300C or perhaps the FPB600c if I can find a deal,Classe 401, Plinius SA250. My musical tastes lean towards classic rock and jazz.What do you think?
Hi Subaru. I think you're right on with the grittyness being in the cd player. I put a cheaper cd player into my system it displayed this exact characteristic. I'm really happy with my Sony XA7ES. It's within a wisper of my friends Levinson 36 DAC. Can pick those up used for 1100ish. The Levinson guy also had a rega planet as his transport for a while. The system sounded very good. He upgraded the planet to a dedicated (EAD 1000?) transport and found the system has greatly improved. He's got a full blown spectral/MIT setup which is the quietest and most detailed I have ever heard - so keep that in mind.

I think the nordosts aren't weak in the bass, but they do emphasize the treble. I tried some 'ace of bass' $2000 speaker cables this weekend. The treble was turned down and the bass up little. Red Dawns were a much better match for my system. Never seen such an extreme case of system compatibility. I'm trying to find some Yamamura 6000 cables to try - heard those are another 'ideal' match for pass labs/virgo's. Take care.

By the way, Subes are great! They ( and 4x4 toyota pu's :> ) were a great choice for outdoors in Colorado. On dirt road trip one time, I swear to god the Sube Outback was eating a Ford Explorer and 4x4 S-10 for lunch! It actually had better ground clearance than the trucks!
i agree with snook2. the aloia amps are the best around.lars fredell is having a hard time deciding whether he likes his aloia system or his lamm system at almost 5x the cost.
They're little more than station wagons and make terrible off road vehicles. Subarus, OTOH, are great vehicles. There's no surprise at all that an Outback would out perform the Fords.