Anyone heard the KR Enterprise Antares????

I was wondering if anyone had a chance to listen to the KR Enterprise Antares amp? Can this amp run low impedence speakers? How does it sound? How come there isnt much info about this amp on the web? Do you know where I can find more info about the amp? Thanks
I let my buddy borrow the Antares to use with his BC Acousitque speakers. Now he wants one. Says it's the best amp he's heard. He was using an Air Tight. That's two friends who are buying an Antares after hearing mine. The other was using a Bel Canto 200.4. He spoke to Kron about the 842 tube. Kron says that it's much more dynamic, resolving, and powerful sounding than the 300BLX.
Also I just received the info. This tube will last and it is guaranteed for more then 20 000 hours of continuous use!!! It has a new type of glass and even better vacuum. They do not want to sell the tubes alone for simple reasons... only we owners of the amplifiers know why! Enjoy the nusic!
Hmm? How does KR GUARANTEE 20,000+ hours of continuous use?
Can KR really tell how many hours have been used on their tubes? thanx.
You know, if you would buy one and see how it is build, I think you would not ask...
Brandon, the guarantee on tube operation relates to the tubes' production specs (to 50.000 hrs of operation) and production technology -- so the manufacturer claims. Much higher vacuum, different materials including the appropriate glass, apparently.
So, lower operating cost. On the other hand, no tube rolling! Cheers