Audio Research 100.2 amp

I have been in the market for amp upgrade. Integrated was my first option, but someone recommended ARC 100.2 power amp for audition. Does anyone know or have experience with this amp? I did a little research on the net but could not find much. Any input would be appreciated. MY speakers are Sunes Faber Signum and Pioneer DV-525 (to be mod'd and DAC to be added later). Music preference is 95% classic, especially strings and chorals. Also, any recommended dealer, approx price would be great! Thanks. Ken
hey khokugo, what preamp do ya use? this wood also affect yer amp choice.

how about a nice electrocompaniet aw100 amp? i got one adwertised here on audiogon, asking $895... ;~) yeah, i know - shameless plug! only selling it to find an aw75 to match my aw75, so i can run a pair bridged.

Khokugo, the ARC100.2 is an all-FET transistor design which in my opinion sounds somewhat veiled compared to solid state amps possessing bipolar transisitor outputs or even MOSFET outputs. The 100.2 has the same "problems" that older all-FET Conrad Johnson SS amps had, although in newer CJ's they've switched to bipolar output (keeping only the FET gain stage), for increased clarity while retaining some warmth. (See Stereophile review of CJ MF2500 amp for details.) If you listen a lot to classical and want to avoid the harshness of many bipolar amps (e.g. steely violin sections), you should try some MOSFET-output amps, which are being made nowdays much better than before (they used to be somewhat hazy and bass-wimpy). With MOSFETs you get the warmth & 3-D imaging of tubes without the etched/brittle sound of many pure-bipolar transisitor amps. There are many such amps available; do a search on AudioAsylum (using keyword MOSFET) for many discussions and recommendations. Finally, consider the new BelCanto EVo200.2 solid state amp (which I own, and can be found used for as low as $1600). It has a unique MOSFET-type switching ouput device, and is a great synthesis of solid-state and tube-like character. Of course, you could go in the direction of tube amps, but in my experience dealing with tube gear can be expensive and complicated. (Tube amps can sound wonderful, though...) Good luck in your search.
hey ral, mebbe that's why i like my electrocompaniet amps - also a mosfet design. & no haze or bass wimpyness that *i'm* aware of... not that i have one for sale, or anything... ;~)
Many thanks, members. OK, what do you think of combination of Sonus Faber Signum and its integrated, Musica, then?