sonic frontiers line 2 owners

I received my new line 2 preamp last week and have been leaving it running everyday since. After the first couple of days it made an improvement in opening up but after that it seems to have leveled off, sounds like someone threw blankets over my speakers. No detail and my bass is almost gone, sounds filtered like some marantz and bob carver stuff I auditioned, Ick. Does anyone else have this problem with thier preamp. I used to have a conrad johnson pfr which sparkled and had plenty of slam, had to let it go because it wasn't compatible with my other components.
You should contact your dealer for a replacement since it is a new unit and seems to have a problem.

Judging from my own experience with Line 3 and previous posts on opinions of others concerning sound signitures of SF Line series preamps, the results should be exact opposite; too much details and almost un-tube like analytical sound... Actually I am in the process of trying out NOS input tubes to "tame" the "sparkle."


FYI. For Line 3, the most important ones are the 2 on the same row as the 6u8a. If you just want a taste of the NOS, just change out the tubes on that row.

I found SF Line 3 to be quite nice, detail, sounds just like everything that was fed.

My Line 2 has none of the problems you mentioned. I'd either swap out the tubes or return it to your dealer. I did have one tube blow shortly after receiving my unit but that wasn't the fault of the preamp. It's been working fine ever since.