Krell HTS vs Proceed AVP

I am trying to build a HT. I know that both Krell and Proceed are good. But which is better, ecpecially on analog stero. Help!
I love my AVP, but I haven't heard the Krell. Also, Proceed is said to be offering both a software and hardware upgrade for the AVP after the release of the AVP2. Don't know what the cost will be though. Lastly, Proceed/ML offers the best customer service I've ever experienced!
While i have not tinkered with either of these units, i have been told / read in several different forums that the Krell is LOADED with "bugs" and "quirks". Some of these comments came first hand from a Krell dealer. Sean
Sean is right. I have also read in consumer feedback (please check Audioreview on these two models) that current Krell HTS has bugs.

Another model you should consider is the Lexicon MC-1. I have auditioned all three previously and chose the MC-1. Some people are concerned that its two channel capability may not be as good. Personally I didn't think that was the case and really liked its home theater surround sound much better.

In any case, all three models are coming out with new versions - the new Proceed AVP2, the new Krell Home Theater Standard (in sleek metallic silver) and the new MC-12 (with a much better looking outer shell versus the current cheap-looking shell of the MC-1). Krell suppposedly has fixed the bugs on its new HTS. All three new models are now heavily touting their 2-channel analog by-pass and balanced connections as well as home theater.

For myself, I initially tried to go with the same brand on AV preamp and amp, but finally settled on matching the MC-1 with the Krell KAV-1500, a 5-channel, 300 watts/channel amp along with B&W Nautilus 801, HTM-1 and 805 speaker system, with which I am very happy with both 2-channel and home theater sounds.
This one is easy. I wrote the articles on Audio Review, so I should know. All of the major bugs have been removed from the original HTS and the HTS 2 has analog bypass. You can remove the MC-1 from this equasion. Not only does it sound horrible in 2 channel stereo, it has no analog bypass or balanced inputs. Both Krells and the Proceed have balanced connections but, only the HTS2 and the proceed have analog bypass. The Krell is an all around hands down winner. The proceed was built 5 years ago and hasn't changed much since. It only has 3 balanced channels, F,C,R to all 6 balanced by Krell. Krell has also announced 7.1 balanced. The new Krell is unquestionably the better piece. Whether or not the "proceed 2" will be better is yet to be seen/heard.