Can anyone help me out?

My buddy jeff seems to think that some bose all in one (dvd, receiver) speaker set up for $1700 is the way to go. I'm not sure of the model #, but i'm sure for the $ their alot of better ways to go. I told him to go with an Outlaw receiver and an Athena point five system. He already has a Sony 700 somthing dvd. My thought is that he would save a little cash and have a way better setup. What do you guys think?



Has your friend been living an oppressed anti-audiophile propaganda filled life under Saddam Hussein?
I can tell you that any company that spends more money on marketing than they do on everything else combined (including the cost of the products, research and development, and fixed costs such as bricks and mortar, plant machinery, salaries, etc.) is not a company that cares about making music...they only care about making money. They are targeting the vast numbers of Bozos who want a cute package that plays music and don't care about sound quality, soundstage, or sound advice.
Look at the following web page

and make sure that you focus on the materials that are used to construct the drivers. Every cone material has its own sound and the paper cones in Bose products are adequate for a pocket sized transistor radio but beyond that they are worthless. Yet Bose builds most of their systems around them. At least they're cheap to build.
Thanks for your feedback. I gave him the website and i hope that he checked it out. I'll see him Wendsday, Then i can tell you guys if you helped him out. I hope so.

Thanks again,
