Digital Preamp NO video switching

Hi guys and gals,

what are my options for a no video switching digital preamp other than Bryston SP 1.7 ?

I have an AVP to replace because all my video switching is done by my Elite Quadscan HD.

What do you think? The market does not seem to offer much and while I like what I read about the Bryston, I don't like the look of it and its cost.
It's not an issue of whether you specifically mentioned EAD or Meridian or Bryston. Let's forget the specific equipment here. It's your criticism of others for things that you do yourself that bugs me into spending some precious time on this useless thread!!

You readily compare Bryston to Krell yourself.....but get critical when I compare EAD to Bryston. How do you reconcile that????

"08-16-03: Distortion
I compared many pre/pros before settling on the Bryston. It easily beat Krell(showcase), Rotel(1066), Integra(RD7 I think), B & K (Ref30 and 50), Sunfire(TG3), and Acurus. The Classe SSP-30 was very close. "

You're allowed to say Bryston (list $4K) easily beat Krell (list $4k).......but god forbid I say that I think EAD is sonically "much better" than Bryston.........and you start telling me how inappropriate that is.

It's all plain to see....but it is unlikely that you will allow yourself to see it.

Oh boy, oh boy what a mess I started!

Well, guys I appreciate some of the insights I got here and I'm sorry to have (indirectly) caused some acrimonies between you too; who knows maybe one day we'll bump into each other at an audio store and we'll laugh about it.

Anyway, going back to MY original topic, thank you very much, I know that Meridian makes an amp with no video switching and that EAD does not.

I'm also under the impression that maybe it is ok to accept the idea of wasting the video switching section.

There is another thread recently started about the best 5.1 pre/pro and I see some other names and opinions.

I guess that if this was an easy decision we wouldn't be here discussing it and where would all the fun be?

Thanks again for your comments (some of them anyway) and if you guys do happen to think of some other names please do post.


Agw, no problem I rather enjoy it.

I agree that it is acceptable (to most anyway) to waste the video switching section. You're right it isnt an easy decision and it is a potential financial wash too (A lot of Processors dont hold their value well).

I didnt want video switching either, but I didnt limit myself to those that didnt as far as comparison. Even though a lot of semantics were discussed in the previous post very few specifics were. I specifically wanted a Pre/Pro to do 2 channel well and thats what lead me to where I am today.

Although looking back I probably should have built my two channel around my HT. Though dont get me wrong I am not disappointed. Its just that, after hearing so many Processors it is readily apparent that most of the "good" Processors perform very close when in movie mode (DD/DTS). Its the music modes that set them apart(good from great IMO), especially two channel. But you can easily achieve as good or even better 2 channel with a piggybacked Preamp.

EAD are awesome performers. In retrospect, had I auditioned one when I was originally shopping, I might have one of them right now. But, dont take my word for it. Get out and listen to some. Theres nothing like hands and ears on.
Thank you again for your comments. I think I'll take a look at EAD and possibly Meridian and Bryston as well.

Maybe I should just stay with my AVP...