PMC speakers?

Hey Y'all,

These speakers have recently been brought to my attention and I would like to hear from anyone that owns them or has auditioned them and what you think of them. Thanks.........John
Hi Jrwr7,

I have listened to the DB1 with Bryston B60 and TB2 with Bryston BP25/4B-SST at the local dealer. They sound great! I find PMC speakers very revealing and yet not fatiguing to the ears. I feel they have a smidgen more detail in the top-end than the Sonus Faber Grand Pianos that I own.

I didn't get to listen to the huge MB2 hooked to the 7B-SST's since the system was not powered up at that time.

All I can say is that you won't be disappointed with the PMC's. I just wished I could afford the IB1.
I have the PMC GB1's and have been using them for about 10 days.

They sound great to me, especially female vocals, and seem to be very effortless with little directness in the sound.

The bass is very tight and controlled but I do feel it lacks the ability to play the full range of music.

I am currently using a Rotel RSP1076/RMX 1075 Pre Power combo. This doesn't sound anywhere near as good as the Cyrus and Moon stereo amplifiers that I auditioned the speakers with. I am probably going to buy one of these for CD playback and use them as a power amp in 5 channel operation.

Does anyone have any thoughts on whether this will make a significant difference to the sound quality of my stereo.


Melbourne, Australia
Hi Alex, good as the Rotels may be, the Cyrus and/or Moon amps will be better. The PMC, although efficient, fancy amps with muscle, so things like Bryston or other big amps will give a great improvement. I think you will hear a big difference (improvement IMHO), and an extended low-end.
PMC speakers are a natural match for Bryston amps. They are generally very dynamic across their line with a good price/low-end extension ratio.

I heard the IB1s and MB2s quite a few times with both McIntosh and Bryston amplification. The IB1s were too punchy for my tastes. The MB2 gave a much more relaxed sound. I felt the MB2 was pretty musical rather than a strict studio monitor type sound. But if you're buying the monitors, factor in the cost of the stands. They're very pricey and IMO not a good value.
I have had the PMC GB1's for about 4 weeks.The difference now they have broken in is amazing. The bass has improved greatly and there seems to be much more cohesiveness to the sound.

I would highly recommend these speakers. They have great accuracy and the speakers appear to disappear with a dynamic, fluid sound that extends past the speaker cabinets.

I am looking forward to upgrading my amp to take full advantage of these.

Highly recommended


Melbourne Australia