Best sounding CD of Brass?

I attended a performance of an unamplified brass jazz band the other night and wondered what CD in my collection (I have around a hundred jazz CD's) would be best to evaluate my system compared to what I heard live. I don't have one, so I turn to you, wise Gonners, to tell me what CD of brass music SOUNDS the closest to live instruments? I don't really care about classic performances, as this will be an analytical tool. Strictly sound, especially catagories such as dynamics, clarity, tonal characteristics, frequency, to a lesser degree soundstage and image.
Try "For Duke" on M&K Records and see if there is a Bethlehem Records CD issue of "Sincerely, Conte Candoli" out there. Both possess very natural tonal brass instruments and are very dynamic.
Zubin Mehta rendition of Holst's The Planets on Decca/London CD. Also Vaughan Williams' Sinfonia Anartica on Naxos ($6 !!) has outstanding brass. Or try the Thin Red Line soundtrack which is the toughest workout you can give any system (beware of the volume level !).
I second the "For Duke" recommendation. Also if you have any live recordings give them a listen, you might find a "diamond in the rough" so to speak. Remember horns can be sweet and smooth but they can also be quite rude at times.