Best Thread in Audiogon.

I am just curious about which thread have you liked more in this site and why. It can be because it is interesting, entertained,constructive,helpful,polemic,etc..
Personally, I found Sean's thread on the Radio Shack SPL Meter corrections to be the most informative and educational. By far. For entertainment, there are just so many that I cannot narrow it down so well. SORRY. Basically, if I see Albertporter, Brulee, Carl_eber(posthumously), David99, Eldragon(wish he posted more), Garfish, Jcbtubes, Kitch29, Leafs, Rcprince, Sdcampbell, Sean, Sluggo(where'd he go?), Sugarbrie, Tml2 Tubegroover, etc.(apologies to those I have stupidly neglected to mention) in a thread I am instantly curious. Enough to read through all that is there. Thanks to all of you! Sheepishly, I have to admit(I know I am going to get killed for this one) that I also enjoy a good fracas here and there. One of those knock down, drag out wars we sometimes get into here.
I would add Detlof's "What is Musicality", to the above... previous posts having spared me the dire task of choosing only one. Thank you, Kareoke, Dekay, Tireguy, Trelja for directing my attention to threads I did not know (being relatively new to A-gon).

Along with the ones mentioned above, I'm a big fan of the "Most Achingly Beautiful Music" and other threads talking about best performances of musical pieces; a lot of information and suggestions I've enjoyed tremendously. Also the Music Trivia and Who R U threads have been fun. Finally, even though it cost me some money, I found the Koetsu thread very helpful and, since I got one, musically rewarding.
I liked "Most achingly beautiful Music", which I struck upon only now, best and also found the arguments on cabling generally interesting , before they became as monotonously repetitive as vindictive. I learnt a lot , thanks Gregm, in "What's Musicality", so I liked that too....cheers and thanks to all!