Turntables: $10 - 12K -Suggestions

I'm considering purchase of a 'table (incl. pickup arm and cartridge) in the above price range. I'm fully aware that ultimate choice will depend on sound preferences, system synergy, etc. However, other considerations include reliability, after-sales service, ease of installation, etc. 'Tables I've considered have been mainly British (SME-20, Simon Yorke, Linn). However, I'm not alt all familiar with many of the American pieces and would greatly welcome your expert advice. Thanks!
Tubegroover, refurbish your Sapphire and put the Graham on it. That combination is very musical; and you can transfer the Graham to any future SOTA knowing that it will mate well. An alternative would be a used SME V, another great synergistic match with the Sapphire. I would seriously listen to the competition before springing for a Cosmos or Millennium however.
Visit www,jcverdier.com to find about the La-Platine turntable. been around for more than 20 yrs.. i own it for a couple of years now, and i am still surprised now and then. you may visit my rig at the greek high-end site, www.aca.gr visit the world-around systems. i will be pleased to give anyone information bout this table. enjoy.
save your money and buy a canadian 'table - the oracle mkv. great sound, great aesthetics. fully loaded, w/a nice arm & cartridge, yule still have several thousand leftover - unless,of course, ya get a clearaudio insider cartridge, or something like that! ;~)