Give the Oracle an 'arm...

It's difficult to find a dealer that has analog equipment on display, so I'd like to ask the enlightened. Of the following three 'arms, which would work best: Graham 2.0, Kuzma Stogi or Wilson-Benesch Act 2.0. Does anyone have cartridge recommendations? I'm also using an EAR 834P, Bryston 3B-ST, Totme Model 1 Sig and Cardas Neutral Ref. and Cross Bi-Wire.
If you like it warm, rich, detailed, open, airy, deep, and explosive when needed, try Morch DP-6 with Clearaudio Victory H. And your Oracle will even look better.
i currently use a sumiko premiere ft-3 on my oracle - it's nice, but i, too, think i could do better. so, i ordered an origin-live-modified rega rb-250 w/adjustable-vta mounting-base. according to origin-live, it's supposed to be even better than their modified rb900 - the stock-version of which is known to be a giant-killer in its own right. should arrive any time, now; i am looking forward. and, the price is reasonable enuff, that i had enuff $$$ left-over for one of their dc power-supplies - another claimed giant-killer. the whole package runs ~$700usa, delivered. (i passed on their interconnects; would have added ~$100). should help my oracle, which has all mk-v mods excepting its stock power-supply. i think it would take a *lot* more money to better this set-up. doug
Doug, I like your set-up very much. After much experience and heartache I can attest the Oracle's superiority save the Walker, Forsell and Rockport. Unless you have an extra $50k to invest, buy the Oracle's Turbo power supply. It produces an uncompromising midrange with literally perfect tonal accuracy. Don't be deceived by the hype.
hi khrys, i was gonna get the oracle turbo p/s, but from what i've read about the origin-live power supply, i gotta believe it's at least the equal of the oracle-turbo, & at less than 1/5 the price. check out origin-live'w www, & reviews of their p/s. doug