advice for an old newbie

after a 23 year hiatus from vinyl i now want to jump back in. am considering a beginner's package of Pro-Ject (Austrian) Perspective turntable with Pro-ject tone arm & Benz low-end MC cartridge. package costs $1100. is this a reasonable system for an old newbie ? any other suggestions for the same budget ? Thanks. Bob.
Bob, very reasonable for the (v. good, IMO) sound. By European standards that is. There must be other options in the US, esp. used gear, others can propose.

If you finally choose the Pro-ject, I think you'll enjoy it.
Good luck!
A friend of mine recently got the Pro-ject. I gave him a used Van den Hul 10 cartridge. It's an excellent set-up. I think the Pro-ject is a real value in the $1k range. Enjoy it--and welcome back to vinyl.
Well, you have two other choices of very good tables and arms: 1) Rega Planar 3 with Rega RB300 arm; and 2) VPI HW-19 "Junior" table with AudioQuest or Rega arms. If you are willing to buy used gear, I'd look for a VPI HW-19 Mark 3 table with any good tonearm (Rega, AudioQuest, Basis, etc.).
I've seen the package you describe for a bit less than $1,000 while researching tables, as I am in a similar situation (sold my SOTA three years ago and the LP's are stashed away). My impression is that the Basis 1400 ($400 more than the Perspective with an RB250, $600 more with an RB300)is more substantial, has better parts (i.e. exact same motor as their higher end models) and better build quality. I think the Perspective is very nice for $1,000 but I think I'd feel better in the long run spending a little more, so I don't get that "buying fever" as soon.

The Basis also has an upgrade path while the Perspective has nowhere to go. I saw an ad (somewhere...) for a 1400, RB300 and Glider for $1700. I'm also going to check out the Gyro Deck and look at used tables <$2,000. I've got to noodle with this a while longer...
i tink ewe should strongly consider a used 'table, especially at this price-point - it puts ya on the cusp of the entry to some of the best 'tables out there: linn lp-12, vpi hw-19, sota wacuum 'tables, pink triangle, kuzma, well-tempered, oracle delphi, yust to mention a few.

i'm partial to the oracle - i picked one up in *excellent* condition - w/arm, cartridge & shipping, it was *still* only $850. of course, i got the upgrade-bug, & have more money into it now, but that's the beauty of it (besides its innate beauty!): it can be updated to current spec. even outta the box, the oracle killed my prewious cj walker cj-5, which was heavily-modded, & the sonic equivalent to what's awailable for ~$1k gnu, imho. vpi's, well-tempered's & linn's can also be updated, not sure about the others.

anyway, i believe any of these 'tables will be a significant yump in sound-quality over anyting awailable for a similar price that's purchased brand-gnu.

ymmv, doug s.