Tonearm/cartridge sugestions for an Oracle Delphi?

I have an Oracle Delphi mk II and I would like some advice regarding the selection of a new tonearm and cartridge.

I currently have a Grace 707 with Grace P9 cartridge and also a Sumiko Premier MMT with Sumiko Talisman S cartridge. Both arms appear to be in perfect condition, but I don't know the condition of the cartridges - I'll assume that since they are both fairly old models that they likely need replacing.

I don't want to spend a huge amount of money on this - perhaps an used tonearm in the $400 range and a new cartridge in the $300 range. Can anyone provide some suggestions that would be suitable for this table?

Also, I may be looking at this wrong - perhaps I should be using one of the tonearms I have and just spending more on a cartridge. But I really have no clue as to the quality of the tonearms I have. Comments on what I have already would be welcome.

Thank you everyone for your input. It looks like most people agree that the Grace has a slight edge over the Sumiko, and on a gut level I have to agree. I also agree that probably I should not bother with the cartridges I have because they are too old and not likely worth re-tipping.

I've heard many good things about the RB250 tonearms with the Origin Live upgrades. I know nothing of these upgrades however - could someone provide a link to more information?

I have an opportunity to pick up a used RB300 - would this be OL upgradable also? And can anyone suggest a good cartridge match for it? Would the RB300 on it's own (without the upgrades) be a significant improvement over the Grace?

I've never really heard anyone knock the Grado line of cartridges and they are readily available to me here, but I HAVE heard that they are highly sensitive to VTA adjustments. Issue or not?

Some of the lesser known brands will be difficult for me to get because I live in a one-horse town when it comes to analog audio. They only guy here in town who knows anything about the analog world (and he IS very knowledgable) is also a bit of an arrogant ass and I dislike dealing with him. Asking him to bring in something other than what he recommends will bring me into a world of hurt... Mind you, he'll be the one setting it up too.

Thank you all for your input. I agree that my cartridges are both old and probably just need to be replaced as opposed to replacing stylii or having them serviced.

Just on a gut level I think the Grace is the better of the two arms. I wasn't clear in my first post - I actually have two Delphi mk II's and I plan to sell one of them. If I decide get a better arm for the one I keep,

Fzxguy - thanks for the background on the Sumiko line, it did put the arm into persepective.

Twl - Yes, the Sumiko is the S shaped one. Also, I've seen a few Grace arms that were "707" models, but the headshell was non-removable, whereas this one is removable. There must have been some variation in the models, but you're right - it is very low mass with a very thin tube and delicate headshell.

Brooklynaudio - thanks for the offer, but I'm in Canada and the border extortionists really gouge us heavily on items coming from the US. I do have the Oracle maintenance kit with the new springs and will be installing it once I've decided what to do about the arm/cartridge.

Excuse the repeated parts of my last post - I seem to have gotten jiggy with my cut and paste fingers...

The OL Silver Tonearm is the best price/performance tonearm in audio today. If you get that at around $750, you won't be sorry. Look at for all the dope on the Silver and their mods for the Rega arms. They also have some even higher end arms that I haven't heard that look really good too.
Brooklyn Audio is in Dartmouth Nova Scotia. They be one of us Phydeaux, so no border problems. And no, I have no connection to that concern, like you I did a double take on the name vs. the location. For a low mass arm such as the Grace I would go for a Shure V-15xMR. Not the flavour of the day, but a great cart at a great price, unfortunately no snob appeal. Oh well, what with prices up here in Canada, snob appeal is a very low priority to me. Good day.
I have an ET2 tonearm on my oracle mark 2 with a carnegie one with an interchangeable mounted sumiko blue oyster nude mc cartridge.

I have found the sound very satisfying with the blue oyster.

the carnegie one is also good, but a different sound difficult for me to describe.

how do I upgrade to the new suspension springs?

I purchased mine in Toronto in the mid 80's and I live in the midwest far from any turntable experts
