Linn Ikemi vs. Arcam FMJ CD33

Have someone auditioned the ikemi and FMJ CD33 player.
Ikemi and Arcam Fmj23 they are not in same price level. I didn't audition Fmj23, I auditioned Linn Genki it was less clarity and airy than Ikemi, I'd love ikemi sound but its price is high. I look for other option than ikemi. What's your opinion for Linn Genki vs Fmj23(T). My system is Linn LK140 tri-amp active, Kairn preamp and Ninka speakers. Other suggestions are also welcomed. Thanks very much
I heard an instore demo while they were doing a lot of switching between components. this included the Ikemi and the fmj23. big difference. The Ikemi was 3 dimensional and the `23 seemed two instead. haven`t heard the `33 yet though.