subwoofer suggestions

I am looking at adding a sub to my 2 channel music system. I am using a B&W Nautilus 804 speaker with MF m3 integrated amp and Linn ikemi cd player. People have told me the Linn sizmik, b&w asw 2500 or mirage subs are good. I don't want something too big but I want nice tight bass, not boomy. I here REL is good but there are no dealers in Toronto.
My ACI Titan II LE is much less placement-critical and more flexible than a Vandersteen 2WQ. The Titan II LE sounds (even less boomy and can play louder) and looks better (IMHOp), in any case. You can buy a Rel that performs similar to a Titan II LE, but you will have to pay 2-3 times more for the Rel (new) in the U.S.A.
see this thread for my input, & that of others:

and, kirk, i'd wager folks are more tired of hearing *my* feelings about subwoofers than yours! ;~)

doug s.