Best CD for $1000

I am looking for suggestions for the best CD player (or transport, etc.) for about $1000 to $1200, new or used. This is my first "audiophile" system and I am somewhat overwhelmed by the number of products available. The amplifier I am using is a Krell 300i. Thanks.
Look for a used Meridian 200 transport and if you are looking for a DAC also try to find the Meridian 263 or 563. These models are about 7 to 8 years old. They are bitstream dac's and have an incredibly smooth, yet detailed presentation and non fatiguing. You can't beat the midrange presentation of a bitstream player, the only complaint is they are less dynamic, but should be matched with a dynamic amplifier like yours and it becomes a non-issue. Good luck!
listen to arcam's alpha 9 cd player. you should be able to snag it for about $1,000 used.
Recently a neighbor of mine bought the Denon 370 CD Player. It has the HDCD chip in it,the 20 bit version.While this is not a high end product,it impressed me enough to go out and buy one.Having been in this hobby since 1957 and owned all sorts of various gear in the past 43 years. I have never really embraced the CD format.Prefering to stay with vinyl. Although I did own a first generation machine I never used that much.Now because of this Denon 370 listening to CD again,and not bitching that much. Also at its price and performance point I dont know of anything that comes close. Sounds as good as my friends Rega Planet.
Mark, I would highly recommend the Audio Refinement Complete CD Player. It is the low end of YBA but very impressive!! I am selling mine on Audiogon for the low price of $570.00 Look no further. Check out the reviews on it on