Good CD transport < $500

I've just bought the Pertetual Tech stuff and am looking for a good transport only. Do not need anything fancy just a good solid transport with coax out. I would consider anything (player or transport).
If you're OK with used consider a California Audio Labs (CAL) Delta transport. Nice build and they can be had for ~$4-500 on AudiogoN.
Cambridge Audio Disc Magic.AS good or better than much more expensive transports.Not that well known in America.It's a British marketed design by Pink Triangle that is put together in Asia to save construction costs.Very high quality parts and build quality is supperb.They retailed for $800 or more new but if you're lucky enough to find one used it is a good deal at around $400. Has all the usuall input / output options. I use one with my EVS Dac and they make for a very musical front end.
Would you consider acurus acd-11! I used to own one, it did so fine for transport section. some say its dac s*-k but we doesn't need that part right? Air suspension, alu feet, look great, build like tank,coax out.... I used it many years no problem