Are You Content With Your System?

I have a Mark Levinson 335, Mark Levinson 39, B&W N803s All Harmonic technology cables and Slamander synergy racks. My audio room is only 17x13. In the future I want to change my N803s and get my Favorite Revel Salons or the Studios. I have wanted them for a long time. And I also want the Levinson mono blocks. But knowing that I sit back and turn my system on. I turn down the lights and light a candle I pick a nice new age cd that is well recorded and close my eyes and wow! My system sounds so great I am so content with the sound and the looks.(levinson gear is beautiful) Well the point Iam trying to make is even though we all know that we can do and have better are you content with what you have? If I never got another peice of gear again I would be happy with the system I put together.I know there are better systems than mine but I also feel Iam at the point of diminishing returns. But there is always room for improvements. Well now that I got off the topic what are you guys using and are you content? What is your dream system? Regards DANIEL
Lev, Yes I do enjoy my system and in that respect there is satisfaction. As you say there is always room for improvement and what that is will vary from one to the next as cf notes ya gotta find your own thing, and in this hobby experience and experimentation will take you to different places, but I do not believe it will get you to virtual reality, if nothing else the vast majority of recordings just aren't good enough.

My thing is the real thing. When the system can accurately reproduce a live acoustical instrument, orchestra or voice. "Is is live, or is it..." None do, there is always the veil and various degrees of colorations. So what it seems to boil down to in the long run is finding new ways to spend money :), with the hope that the next step will be better than the last.
I'm at the early stage of the disease... 6 months so far. When did upgradeitis plateau for you guys??? I've been buying and tweaking like crazy lately!!! But it seems to be working out nicely, the system is sounding less bright and very musical compared to 4 months ago.
Ok, I will toot my own horn. I am not at all "content" with my system. However, it's better than any system I've listened to at hi-fi shops in my life time. I do have the advantage of having a decent size living room to house my stereo. But, my stereo a fraction of the retail price of those I compare with in stores. Nevertheless, it's still only 80%.
My state of contentment varies and neither side of the amplitude is particularly easy to objectivise, complex as my system is. Sometimes its the system, sometimes myself, sometimes both. Guess, my system and I are both complex systems. However, if I've just been to a classical concert or unplugged Jazz live, I sometimes live through a similar state of amazed contentment, when I start up my music, as Sean has described above. Mind you, I am generally much more discontent with baldly recorded software than with the system as such. Seems CFB, that I've more or less found my mantra though the years, or perhaps have become just too old, to want to find new ones. Cheers,