VPI redesigning experiment

In my audiophile career I went through all the incarnations of the VPI TT, up to TNT 5. In my pursuit for the absolute sound I discovered Mapleshade's Pierre Sprey who convinced me that maple wood is far superior sounding material than any of the high-tech materials used on TT's. This was also the theory of SHUN-MOOK who designed the highly musical "Bella Voce" speaker. Based on this I designed a 4" thick turntable plinth from solid maple, and a separate one for the tonearm. Pierre is looking into making a maple housing for the SAMA. I am getting the new VPI's HR-X, platter-bearing assembly with their record hold down ring to fit in to the maple plinth, and the JMW 12.5 tonearm in to a separate 4" thick maple plinth. Both plinths will stand on cones on maple bases of the same dimensions. I have high hopes for a natural,unfatiguing, sweet, but not euphonic sound, devoid of harshness. I will let you know of the results. I hope I do not run into uncalculated nightmares or component changing to compensate for differences in sound. Let me know if you are interested.
Thank you for the very informed responses, I am answering in the order I received them.
Twl, I have described the Teres to Pierre, He has experimented with lead in wood bases and acrylic and his take is that it "deadens the sound" maybe the Teres designer has struck a fine balance between the aliveness of the cocobo and the blantness of lead. Thank you for your good wishes.
Loudspeaker7, The butcherblock under the Linn is fine. Finer yet would be a solid piece of Canadian maple, which is better sounding than the American, for some unknown reason. Every material has its own vibration and therefore it sounds different than others, as a rule, high-tech materials sound just that! Maybe at first, the sound appears to be more exciting but upon repeated auditions it will reveal it's character. This however depends upon the taste of the individual that hears it. Some prefer Hi-Fi, as opposed to natural sound.
Ghostrider, I think that mahogany should give the same sonic quality to components as it does to guitars.
Jaica, I know about "The Mookies". I have 1"x 3" square ebony Pucks in place of the suspension,under my TT's plinth. They are very musical but sound harder than maple. My sound changed from opulent, laid back and forgiving, to fast, solid and detailed with more definition, clicks and pops though became more pronounced. One fact seems to be true in every case, that if a sound system is very good, every material placed under it will invariably change its sound, and that the sound will resemble the character of what this material is made from, ie, metal sounds hard, rubber sounds bloated, cloth sounds muffled, and on it goes.
Thank you all
Tphalieros. I would be very interested to hear how your experiment turns out. I have a HW19 mkIV and and am in the process of waiting for HR-X bearings/Platter/clamping systme to be availble as well. I am new to Audiogon and have been noticing there is a lot of talk about Teres. I am now strongly considering purchasing their lead filled platter and bearing to put on my plinth, since the cost is about the same with the HR-X parts. The only problem is that the hole for the bearing is too small on my plinth for the teres bearing and would have to ream out .25". Also the armboard would be a problem because the platter is 3" thick. I would have to make a custom armboard. I do have a SAMA and SDS so compatibility between my motor and teres platter should be ok. Since so much modification maybe necessary for my plinth I was considering making an entirely new plinth out of another material. Someone told me corion was good. Others have told me Maple was good also. After reading your post I think I would choose maple, so let me know if your assumptions were correct. Also I have had other individuals mention Twl in their postings. They seem to be infering that this person had very good knowledge about analogue in general so I decided to brouse the postings and indeed that seems to be so. TWL, if you don't mind could you comment on my question I posted a few days ago titled: Help Please: What Cartridge?. It would be greatly appreciated. Your comments regarding this posting would be appreciated as well.
Ted Thanks for your thread. I get those Mapleshade booklets in the mail and wondered about the qualities of maple (Canadian Maple)that is.

I will be looking forward to you findings.
Talentkeeper, I would avoid materials such as corian for a plinth. I would also go for the HR-X assembly. I believe Pierre Sprey(Mapleshade), about lead dulling the sound, don't forget that the Teres base is made from cocobolo which is used to make castaniettes. It's lively sound works in synergy with the acrylic-lead combo of the platter.
Tphalieros, thanks for that valuable info. Looks like I could have made a serious mistake. I will now definitely go for the HR-X assembly. Give us a report once you've tested out the Maple plinth. Thanks.
