How well does the VPI 16.5 work??

I am looking for opinions on the VPI 16.5. Does this machine do a nice job with cleaning new and old vinyl...
Is it messy... what fluids are used..any tricks?
Is there any comparable products that I should consider..
Custom Audio LLC
I have a VPI 16.5 and the unit does exactly what it is reported to do....cleans the record completely!!! Excellent product.

However a caution. Be sure the felt pick up tube lies completely on the record to suck up all the wet cleaning fluid. I was starting to hear some major distortions in my playback system (I only use vinyl) and could not figure what the problem was. I finally saw, by peering down at the tube, that it was not sitting completely on the record and therefore leaving a moist (not seen by eye) sediment on my records. So what I had was 90% of the record was clean and fine but the first 10% of the disc-at the very beginning) had the remains of Disc Doctor. To add to my problem.....when I put it on to play it was OK...but the next time I listened to a record that had Disc Doctor remains....that's when I heard all this distortion. Boy, was this driving me mad!@!#!!!!

It was an easy fix ( just filed down the base of the tube) and cleaned all my record again!
Before filing down the base of the tube, which may have been required in Rwd's case, check out the collet ring at the base of the vacumm post (not the tube). This ring has an allen set screw that you use to adjust the height of the vacuum wand when it is "sucked down" on the record surface. If the ring is "canted" it will not allow the wand to make even contact. This worked for me.

My 16.5 is far and away the best analog accessory I've ever bought. Worth every scheckel. Look for one in good condition used and you can save but, in my opinion, they are worth the retail price. Not many things you can say THAT about.
16.5 has a powerful motor that allowes you not only vacume the record but clense the dirty one as well with felt brush and liquid.

I use different liquids: Nitty Gritty one for the greasy and dirty records. I spread a large amount of Nitty Gritty with VPI supplied brush accross the whole surface except label and than cleanse the record with Discwasher brush-conditioner with turntable ON. I use Last-regular for taking care of the light dust(the best budget one since just three drops will eat your dust completely)

16.5 can't get rid of small gum-like substances on the record but for this the best tool is the toothpick or cheap cartridge.
If by chance you are interested in the sota, I ordered one
for $599 plus tax and shipping from HCM Audio in Chico Ca.
That is for a brand new unit,and also way under the retail.

Check out I found them thru the Sota website.

Just my two cents worth.
