The best Cdp that have volume control

Hi to all experts I have SF concerto and Bryston 4BS T. I am looking for a cd player (used) that can connect directly to my amp.What is the best CD plaver that match with my system and sound smooth. The price range from $800-$2000
When I originally made the determination that the sony's variable out was superior, I had a set of sonic frontiers kt99 tube amps and an adcom gfp-750 and different cables. The sony's direct out was immediatly noticable as better. This may have been because of the sfm amps softening of detail. Now that I have the Pass Labs amps and Preamp, I prefer the preamp outputs. It has the same detail, but is just a little softer and less strident. Not quite as much glare. I have a feeling it's probably a component matching thing. They are so close that I almost feel silly making the distinction.
there's a resolution audio cd50 that's yust been listed for $1650 on audiogon, if anyone's interested. it *is* a nice sounding unit, regardless of whether or not *i* think it's not worth it spending that much money on a cd-player... ;~)

and carl, i don't think i'd get much family respect dragging my in-law into this, but, if yer interested, his comments closely match those of john_l above, regarding "same detail, but less strident & not as much glare." but, he differs in that he doesn't think the differences are so close - he feels the player run straight-in is hard to take for more than 30 minutes or so...

regards, doug

Gee, I guess this imaginary in-law is right, and I'm wrong. What other explanation could there possibly be? Oh yes, and the designer would also have to be an idiot for putting a volume control in there to begin with, since it sounds so awful "straight in". You should build a better player Doug, since you are such an expert in the field of CD player design...............It seems you never tire of making your little blanket proclamations about this player based on not much of anything Doug, and I do find them pathetic.
carl, please don't misunderstand me - i'm not picking on ewe or yer cd-player - my comments about a cd-player sounding better run thru a good (tubed) preamp apply to *all* cd-players - yers yust happens to be one of 'em.

of course, i'm not so obstinate to think that there no folks out there who get better sound from their cdplayers run straight-in, in fact many of them post their experiences right here in these threads. only difference between them & ewe, is they give comparisons: what cd-players they've tried, what preamps they've tried, etc. they give me & other people a chance to try & learn something. i'd *love* to find out about a relatively affordable digital playback system that could markedly improve my current set-up.

regards, doug

I own a Wadia 830 that I'm running through a 3B-ST into Totem Model 1 Signatures. I'm using Cardas Neutral Ref. interconnects and Cross bi-wire. The speakers don't take advantage of the base I know the Wadia's capable of, but what I have is natural, tight and smooth. Voices are great. The Theta Digital Miles wasn't terribly far behind this combo.