DAC at us$1000

Looking for DAC AT us$1000 to work with my Sony DVD player. Thank you for your advice.
I second what rute1 had to say. I am not sure and probably disagree with audiopath because we do not know your other equipment. Using your Sony as a transport along with an up-sampling DAC is the way to go. I have not heard the MSB however I own a Bel Canto Dac-1 which I had upgraded, very good, hard to beat for the price. Hope this helps.
Ken, I have a Bel Canto Dac-1 that is less than a year old I could sell you for $850. Let me know if you are interested.
The best DAC that I've heard period, regardless of age is the Threshold DAC/1E with the big outborad E-power supply. This unit is pretty incredible and has a 0 phase and a 180 phase. Just unbelievable, you have to hear one. It had retailed for about $3300 some years back but if you can find one, a going price is about $1000.
Bel Canto Dac 1, plus a replacement power cord (the stock one sucks and is the root of the "lack of dynamics" complaints), I use a Harmonic Tech Pro 11 ($125.00 used) and a good digital cable. The cable is the Mapleshade Double Helix digital IC ($120.00) on the RCA input from a CAL Icon II. One of the most "musically" satisfying combinations that I have heard to date. This includes Theta Miles, Resolution Audio 55 and MSB Link DAC III combos with the optional power supply. I have not listened to the Full Nelson mod on the Link DAC nor have I auditioned the DAC by Muse, but have heard that these units are special.