Cheap SACD Player or wait for DVD Audio?

Do I understand there is a new Sony player for a reasonable price? Has anyone auditioned or purchased this unit? I heard the $5000 one and thought it looked and sounded great but found the price tag a bit steep given the number of titles available. I would love advice from any gurus on this format

don't get me wrong - i don't disagree w/ewe about the superior sound & deep pockets by sony. but these facts alone don't ensure the success of this medium. betamax was far superior to its competition, & the same deep pockets backed it. mebbe not as deep as today, but proportionally, not much different.

regards, doug

Hi, Simontju, could you tell us how to get rid of the 50 KHz low pass filter??? Thanks, Steve
I am an oldtime Audio magazine subscriber who got switched to Sound + Vision (ugh!) after its demise. The latest issue has a very insightful interview with Neil Young. He talks about digital/analog and CDvsSACDvsDVD-A. Please no comments on the magazine or its contents until you read the article. Probably the only article ever in this magazine's history worth reading. You will not be disappointed. You may not agree with Neil but you will not be disappointed. Neil is to the point and very pointed. I will not spoil you with the contents. Buy it read it then comment. Have a Rave Up kind of day!!
Well Shubert, you got me interested, though it will be embarassing buying that mag. I know old Neil is on record (pun not intended) as saying "digital sucks", so I'm interested in how he views its latest incarnations.
Yes, most audiophiles are going to find that SACD's sound great. But so far I haven't read any specific, detailed accounts of comparing 16/44 CD's played on a SACD player versus on a very good CD player (or transport + upsampler-DAC). For those of us with huge libraries of CD's this is critical question: Would we get a superior sonic performance using a SACD player for CDs, just based on the way it processes 16/44, rather than one of the highly-rated $3000+ CDPs or DAC's? If you answer yes, please give specific examples of the players used, what system you listened to, and the differences you heard (granted, this is subjective).