Acoustic Zen Silver Ref vs. Kimber Select 1030

Has anyone compared Acoustic Zen Silver Ref with Kimber Select 1030? I am interested in hearing about other's experiences. Thanks!
I have not done a comparison with the Kimber but have replaced my Wireworld Gold Eclipse III inteconnects with the AZ Silver Reference. The AZ cable seemed much more alive and brought images into focus better than with the Wireworld in my system. These are very good cables and worth checking out.
Dmailer, thanks for your reply. In fact, I am using AZ Matrix reference IC between Krell 300i integrated amp and Sony 777ES. I am also using AZ Hologram biwire for B&W N805. AZ Matrix Reference replaced Transparent Music Super XL version. Compared with Transparent which is very lifeless and flat, AZ matrix wrought substantial differences in my system. Music takes on three-dimensionality, layering, and precise imaging. I can feel or see through a venue where music is being played. So, I am completely satified with the matrix. The reason why I posted this question is that I coud use more air, openness, and transparency. I am not saying that the Matrix is not airy, open, or transparent. It is very good in those aspects, but I could push a little further. I have not tried AZ silver which appears to be as great as Matrix. I heard great things about KS-1030 as well. I might try one or the other in the future.

Did it take a long time to break in AZ Silver reference in your case?
I purchased the AZ silver reference used so they were already broken in. I have not heard the matrix but my wireworld were very open transparent cables and I felt in my system the silver reference bested them in that department.

I have all three AZ interconnects (Silver Refs, Matrix Refs and WOWs). The Silver References are definatley better than the Matrix. They have a tighter, better defined bottom end. The other differences are exactly what you say you're looking for, air, openness, and transparency, although the I prefer the midrange of the Matrix refs slightly to the Silver Refs. The Silver refs are definately more detailed, in a nice way. Sounds like you should give it a try. BTW - Yes, it takes a while to break in the Silver Refs, I didn't time it but it was longer than I was expecting.
The most recent Silver Ref IC's have improvements and older ones can be updated. Silver Ref. that are more than two months old are probably not upgraded. Keep that in mind when looking at used cables.

The upgrade is very worthwhile, and if you are considering new cables the Acoustic Zen Silver Reference would be hard to beat at any price. They do take a long time to settle in, but they will be in my system for a long, long time.