Phono preamp advice.

Hi all, I am a new convert to the beauties of LPs. I recently got a MMF7 TT and a Phonomena phonopre. Reading some of the posts here I have noticed that some "in-the'know" folks mention that the phonopre is pretty important. I am meditating a move to the Audio Research PH line and am wondering whether it would be a significant upgrade from my Phonomena. The rest of my gear is a Pass X1 pre to Brystons 7bsst. Feeding B&W 802 S3s. I was hoping for something under 2K if possible. I listen, mostly, to classical and jazz. Any other phonopre recommendations would be welcomed also.
Although I do listen to CDs I am a bit amazed at the musicality I hear from analog.
Thank you.
Lachobba, with the Benz I noticed a much richer sound. The bass was more extended and had a better punch to it, and the midrange was smoother. The soundstage was also tremendously extended, and the the overall sound was quieter. Same with the CJ, which added that gorgeous liquid midrange that only tubes can convey. After experimenting a lot, I chose 500 ohns for a catridge load; that seemed to strike the best balance in my system. At 47k, the sound seemed a little too bright and forward. Try the CJ; it's an incredible bargain!!!!!
PA, seems like another person doing things backwards. We all know the hierarchy should be TT/arm/cart. I admit I ran my $1500 MC on a 25-year old POS TT/arm, but only for a couple of weeks until my Teres/OL showed up.

Arafel, totally agree about c-j (check my system). But Lachobba needs to improve her front-end more. From what she just said, maybe a lot more! ;)
Dougdeacon, you rascal, you! I guess improving my TTs should definitely be my first objective. ;>)
Have a date with the gargoyle (the one with the big smile on his face) this week to audition "big-girl" turntables, among them your Cocobolo Teres. Will report back.
If purchasing doesn't work out, I'll upgrade the MMF7 with a Glider cartridge, get a CJ or ARC pre... and spend the rest on plastic surgery. (I am glad the only wrinkles that are shown here on Audiogon are the ones on our Nordost cables.)