Phono preamp advice.

Hi all, I am a new convert to the beauties of LPs. I recently got a MMF7 TT and a Phonomena phonopre. Reading some of the posts here I have noticed that some "in-the'know" folks mention that the phonopre is pretty important. I am meditating a move to the Audio Research PH line and am wondering whether it would be a significant upgrade from my Phonomena. The rest of my gear is a Pass X1 pre to Brystons 7bsst. Feeding B&W 802 S3s. I was hoping for something under 2K if possible. I listen, mostly, to classical and jazz. Any other phonopre recommendations would be welcomed also.
Although I do listen to CDs I am a bit amazed at the musicality I hear from analog.
Thank you.
PA, seems like another person doing things backwards. We all know the hierarchy should be TT/arm/cart. I admit I ran my $1500 MC on a 25-year old POS TT/arm, but only for a couple of weeks until my Teres/OL showed up.

Arafel, totally agree about c-j (check my system). But Lachobba needs to improve her front-end more. From what she just said, maybe a lot more! ;)
Dougdeacon, you rascal, you! I guess improving my TTs should definitely be my first objective. ;>)
Have a date with the gargoyle (the one with the big smile on his face) this week to audition "big-girl" turntables, among them your Cocobolo Teres. Will report back.
If purchasing doesn't work out, I'll upgrade the MMF7 with a Glider cartridge, get a CJ or ARC pre... and spend the rest on plastic surgery. (I am glad the only wrinkles that are shown here on Audiogon are the ones on our Nordost cables.)