Very frustrated with Electraglide - Poor service

Having one heck of a time with Scott Hall at Electraglide. I sent him 2 Power cables back in November 2001 to be Upgraded and so far only got one back!! I have sent him multiple e-mails and recently call him and each time he promised to send it and again nothing!!! He sound like a nice guy on the phone but maybe his people/shipping need to be improved.

Anyone with any suggestions, i paid him $600 in advance 6 months ago and i am trying to be patient but 6 months for a Power Cord upgraded is getting RIDICULOUS!!!

I can complaint to BBB and i did paid with Post office Money Order and have all the e-mail correspondence!!
He does not have a web page yet but here is his e-mail:

Go to Audioasylum web site and do a search on Elrod under cables; there is a fair amount of reviews and opinions about this cord.
David Elrod, Electraglide's former distributor, is a gentleman and can be trusted. I have not heard his cords, but some people with some very good systems appear to be very impressed.

Regarding this post, from long experience in several capacities, my strong advice is to cut your losses and move on.