SACD Dominates Recommended List

Stereophile just placed 4 CD players in it's top-rated A-Plus Recommendation List. Three were SACD players: the Marantz SA-1, Sony SCD-1, and Sony 777ES. The fourth was a $15,000 Meridian.
Ken, the cassette was the dominate recorded music format at the time of the CD's intro. Regardless, a multi-format future is all but inevitable. However, how different is that from today? I use vinyl, CD, SACD, cassette, FM radio and open reel tape in my current setup. My HT system has cable, Laserdisc, VCR, cable radio, DVD and CD. Multi-formats is annoying, but unless you're one of those people with their CD player plugged directly into a power amp, it's really not that big a deal.
I want to agree with and reiterate Ken's excellent first paragraph above. CD offered quantum improvements for the mainstream music listener, the likes of which we will not see again. Sonics aside, the covenience, ease of use, and longer playing time made it a slam dunk to succeed, plus it sounded better to most people in their systems, much better. By comparison (not in absolute terms),SACD and DVD-A offer neglible improvements,except perhaps for multi-channel.

I bought an SACD player and I'm rooting for it all the way, but I think the real problem is not Sony but the fact that most people will not find the benefits of it sufficiently compelling to make the change. On the other hand,if we see a flood of hybrid disks at CD prices, we might have something. Will that ever happen?

Maybe if Sony et al positions things properly (not likely), there will be a larger interest in our hobby. The average Joe may want to impress his friends with how he can take full advantage of the SACD's sonic qualities. Who knows it may be the next big screen TV. I'm not saying I necissarily like this proposed future but there may be a chance for education here. Or not!

I feel that most of us are waiting for exactly just what you say, a volume/choice of SACD source material (software). I myself have an outboard DAC that I enjoy the sound of, so standard CD playback is not a concern as long as the SACD player works well as a transport. I many business applications you have to spend money to make money. In this case it entails producing software in abundance in order to attract clientele to the hardware. I am not in a position to finance Sony/Marantz in this endeavor. They are the big boys and should be able to handle it on their own.
SACD's biggest threat is to vinyl.
For a little over $1,000, one can purchase a SACD player that approaches the sound of $10K vinyl systems (TT, pre-preamp, cartridge). SACD gives 3 times the playing time, no pops, no need to flip, can use in your car, multichannel, etc.

Vinyl will not die overnight. I'm not going to get rid of my vinyl, but may never buy another record. My two boys will never buy vinyl.

The CD with its circa 1980 technology will last for at least another 10 years, but will be attacked from all fronts: MP3, Windows Media, SACD, DVD-V, DVD-A, and mini-discs to mention the major ones. It's popularity is on decline.

CD supporters remind me of DOS supporters. "Why should I buy Windows? It costs more, I have all this DOS software, and I really can't see a big improvement. It's only Microsoft trying to make more money."

The CD will decline in popularity--every format does. Each of us needs to decide when and which new format to hitch to. Many people will wait until the last minute. Many people are still using DOS and OS/2.